記事「Short Story」 の 検索結果 958 件
みそ汁の効果An immunologist writes in his book that miso soup does wonders for you. Miso includes many germs tha..
有能なレジ係When I visited the PIAGO Ueda shop, I saw many people queuing in one of the cashiers even though no ..
コロナ騒動を終わらせた人は読んでください!Would you like the current corona disaster to continue forever? - If your answer is no, you must r..
あならならどうする?警告する?何もい言わない?あならならどうする?警告する?何もい言わない? About 10 years ago, a book titled "Justice: What's the Right Thing to Do?..
大学の教員採用面接の模擬授業に学生が参加?I heard a surprising story from someone. The person is going to have an interview at a university an..
雨がやんで、やっと出かける気になった。As the rain let up, I was motivated to go out and went to the ophthalmologist first. Unfortunately, ..
牛田ランチ&コーヒーツアー第2弾I went to the Ushida tour today. A friend living in Ushida invited me to lunch and coffee. The last ..
京都人の会話の意味。これホント?To people from Kyoto: Are these the case? Someone said: if people in Kyoto say, "Your daughter pl..
高校映画研究部制作のドラマ、なかなかおもしろい!A drama played by the film club members of a high school in Aichi. I came across a drama produced..
生き写しで性が同じ、、、親子だろうか?In a class that I taught in Q2, a female student who is the spitting image of someone I know was att..
世の中狭いねSomething surprising happened regarding a second-year student of my department who attended the grad..
弁当が口に合わないと拗ねる男I abruptly recalled a member of the mega meeting that I was a member of last academic year. Dependin..