記事「Short Story」 の 検索結果 958 件
予備校講師の仕事は、今でも生徒を笑わせることかな?I wonder if cram school teachers' job is to entertain students. When I was in high school, almost..
Business is fastはなぜダメ?slowはOKなのにI wonder why (a) is okay but (b) is not. (a) Business is slow. (b) Business is fast. (a) is ..
一語の違いで文意が変わるWhat is the difference between these two? (a) I'm relieved to hear Mike said so. (b) I'm relieve..
宣言的知識と手続き的知識は違うI've often heard some Japanese teachers of English complaining about their students by saying that t..
英語はどこまでもHAVEすることば2021.7.2©Takao Imai Japanese is a BE language, while English is a HAVE language. That's why Engli..
マンボウのせいで、久しぶりのカフェ勉。やはり、カフェ勉ははかどるね。I went to the uni in the vicinity of Ai-Chikyuhaku park to teach the 4th period, CE1 class, to the f..
mRNAお注射、打つ?打たないをどう決める?Some medical doctors recommend people get the corona shots, while others firmly against it and even ..
肩の荷が1つ降りたThe Japanese language has an expression, "kata-no ni ga orita." (肩の荷が下りた) If you are a foreign learn..
怒るときは母語の方がいいようだね。An American friend of mine is a Japanese-English translator. She speaks Japanese much better than mo..
自分の体とコミュニケーションできますか?Can you communicate with your body? Most of you will say no. I can definitely say yes, I can. That's..
なるほど!Hit the Halaryはhit the delete keyを表すメトニミーか!In Littlemore-sensei's lecture talk on June 12, she gave this example as metonymy. hit the Hilary ..
ポポのメロンパン、最高!I was able to try out the melon bread of POPO today. It was out of this world! On the way from my..