記事「Short Story」 の 検索結果 958 件
母語でない言語を教える場合、なぜ英語教授法や第二言語習得論を専門とする人が必ずしも教えるのがうまくないかがわかった!I've heard some people say, "Japanese teachers of English who major in How to Teach English or SLA a..
肩こりという日本語を知ってから肩こりするようになった外国人の話I'm now reading the feedback sheets of the students who took my Introduction to Language Studies(言語研..
車を運転している人にマスクをしろと言って、逆切れされたマスク警察I heard a story about a man who had a serious argument with a "mask-police." However, in this case, ..
やごじゃにスタバがオープンしたので寄ってみたIt's the 5th of February, so it falls on one of the dates when the farmers' market is held at Yagoto..
Something is interesting FOR meはOKか?Many students use "it's interesting for me" as in the sentence below. The difference between 思う a..
からしが好きだからおでんを食べる人もいるんだなぁ。In the Ohnishi-sensei's Eigo show today, Rosa asked Ohnishi-sensei a question. Why do you always..
表現は時々曝露していないと使えなくなるよなぁI happened to listen to Ohnishi-sensei's Eigo show this morning, and then I heard this expression. ..
取り返しのつかないことにならないか心配After watching one of Matsuda-san's YouTube video, I was shocked to learn that many people in the go..
同時配信型のオンライン授業の良い点は?Everything has pros and cons. It's also true of online classes. Let's share with us what you think a..
なぜ、「緊急時の生活様式」ではなく、「新」なのか?You have heard this expression on TV many times for the last one year, right? A new lifestyle ..
広呂野のピザトーストを試してみた。I was kind of busy today. I had one Zoom meeting related to CELES in the morning and another Zoom me..
小学校の教科はクラス担任?専門の先生?どちらが教えるのがいい?Primary school class teachers in Japan have to teach basically all or almost all the subjects to the..