記事「Short Story」 の 検索結果 958 件
12月1日のスケッチ(中国語にはLとRの違いがあるんですね)(1)中国語にLとRの違いがある話 I was just watching a Chinese language show on ETV and learned something intere..
支留比亜(東山店)にてAfter attending the extraordinary department meeting during lunchtime on Zoom, I worked on the class..
サクサクと仕事が片付いたAs I asked my regular bakery to keep half a loaf of Gold bread at around noon, I visited the place t..
電車で痴漢を駅につまみ出したオーストラリアの女性I heard a story about a powerful Australian woman who is teaching English in Tokyo. When she was tea..
CL談話会の帰りにコメダ本店でシュロセットThe monthly CL Danwakai was held from 1:00pm to 6:30pm yesterday. I attended the Danwakai by Zoom fr..
NOT CURRYへ行ってきたA new soup curry named NOT CURRY opened up a few months ago, which I was curious about whenever I dr..
ポンコツ学者を英語でlemon scholarsって言えるの?There are some excellent scholars on coronavirus such as Kamikubo-sensei at Kyoto uni, Miyazawa-sens..
支留比亜名東若葉のやわらかチキンサンドAfter teaching the 4th period, CE1 class to British & American Studies majors at the uni in the vici..
100名のZoom授業をインタラクティブにする方法を思いついた plus 最高のディナー弁当In the morning on November 18 (Wednesday), there was the first class meeting of 言語研究の基礎 class, which..
スパゲティーのヨコイ住吉店でランチWhen I went to Sumiyoshi-Cho, Sakae, I parked my car at the parking lot named Itomasu. After finishi..
自分が交感神経型人間か副交感神経型人間かを理解して、それの応じた生き方をすることが大切How many hours of a day are you awake, and how many hours of a day are you sleeping? The answers var..
青市のネギ焼屋でのコミュニケーションブレイクダウンCommunication break-down at the farmer's market at Yagoto Koushoji temple. While I was at the farme..