記事「Short Story」 の 検索結果 958 件
カフェで一休みOne of the Go-ken staff members left today for a personal reason. Since I had a chat with her very o..
JALT豊橋で講演をしてきました。I gave a lecture talk at the JALT Toyohashi chapter this afternoon. I took the Shinkansen bullet tra..
コンパルと支留比亜(岩塚店)へ行ってきた。After preparing the handout for the talk tomorrow at my unportable and printed out 15 copies at the ..
教員免許更新講習を担当したI came to my unportable office to give a course for junior high and high school teachers to have the..
副交感神経型人間には十分な睡眠は必需After taking a nap for three hours, I regained my power. Since I'm a parasympathetic nerve person, 副..
TBDと未定There is an English acronym, TBD, which means to be determined or to be decided. In Japanese, the sa..
長い1日・・・疲れた。Today was a busy day. I had the first class meeting of 言語学概論A for the graduate students in the morni..
支留比亜岩塚店へ行ったら、マンションの住人が!I went to Sylvia Iwatsuka shop again. It was my second time there. On the way to the cafe, since the..
9月入学の大学院ガイダンスに顔を出したら、受講生が2名増えた(国際的なクラスになりました)The guidance for the master course students who enrolled in this September was held last night. The ..
八百清の対面のコンパルでランチAfter having coffee with people I know at the Komeda coffee at Chikusa, I did some grocery shopping ..
回答と解答の違いは何?Do you know the difference between 回答 (kaitou) and 解答 (kaitou)? Both are translated into "answer..
インフルエンザにかかったらタミフルを飲みますか?Dr. Kentarou Iwata wrote about Tamiflu, one common anti-flu medicine, in one of the books that he re..