記事「Short Story」 の 検索結果 958 件
どんな物事にもいい面と悪い面があるのに悪い面しか報道しないメディアの行為はいかがなものか?Everything has both positive sides and negative sides. But why do traditional media prefer to report..
Zoomでもリスニングとスピーキング力を高める授業が成功した。I'm impressed with the feedback by the students of the uni in the vicinity of Ai-Chikyuhaku park. I'..
メディアリテラシーとは?A medial literacy specialist said: To be media literate, you need to get information from severa..
ある私大のスメハラ&パワハラ学長The event occurred in December of 2012. This is a story about a former president of a university ..
この眼科へき始めて39年も経つとは!My eyes have been itchy for the last few weeks, so I visited the ophthalmologist for the first time ..
三尺三寸箸ナゴヤドームイオン店にランチに行ってきた。I had lunch with two people I know at the "Sanjyaku Sansun Bashi" restaurant (三尺三寸箸)on the first flo..
山高帽に黒のコートを着た不気味な男が夜中に玄関まで来たI just recalled an event that occurred sometime in 1993 if my memory serves. It was kind of scary. ..
新聞テレビは、小学校のいじめっ子のように思えてきた。I'm beginning to feel that media is similar to bullies at primary school. Don't you think so? Man..
後ろに目が付いてるの?Is it possible for you to see behind you? I thought the person had eyes on the back of his head. ..
婚活相手を振るときに婚活サイトを勧めた女性Do you know the bride/groom hunting service named Pairs? I heard a story about Pairs from someone th..
政府が使った間違った英語が学習者のインプットにI want the government to stop using the wrong English expression, Go to travel!" I was just reading ..
過ぎたるは及ばざるが如しー何事も適当が大事I'm now reading a book about the humans' immune system, in which a lot of ideas by Dr. Toru ABO are ..