記事「Short Story」 の 検索結果 958 件
また1つ、良い店が閉店です。I heard a story about a diner that had been used by many students and teachers of a national univers..
優しい塾の先生が突然ストーカーにThis is a story about a kind cram school teacher who suddenly changed into a stalker. The event occu..
ストリートスマートから野良犬に評価が急落This is a story about a person who was very happy while going to a sports gym three times a week. Bu..
7月20日の短いスケッチ4つ(A) I wonder if I go to Sylvia Higashiyama for a change of air. It's a 10-minute drive from my unpo..
教育困難大学ではオンライン授業は無理でしょう。I had a phone call with someone I know, who is teaching part-time at a whip-and-chair university. Th..
意味も解らず、知識を覚えることで、子供の想像力が失われるSmall children's imagination is funny. They have a creative mind. Unfortunately, the more they study..
コロナのマスクで、スメハラから解放されて喜んでいる人の話This is a story about a person who had been suffering from smell harassment, which is called "Sume-H..
過ぎたるは及ばざるが如しI should have told them not to put too much mayo in the sandwich. I stopped by the Hirono Coffee ..
マスク警察に怒鳴りつけられたかわいそうな小学生I read a story about "mask police" in an article on the web the other day. This is the gist of the s..
外国人を英語でどう表現するのがいい?Regarding the expression, foreign people, which I frequently see or hear many learners of English us..
近所の有名なうなぎ屋、長年住んでいるがいったことないなぁ~。The Doyo-no-Ushi(土用の丑の日), when people eat eel-don or some dish made of unagi, is just around the cor..
24/7という名前なのに、10時閉店っておかしいよね?I just remembered what happened a few years ago. I can't put my finger on the exact date, though. ..