記事「Short Story」 の 検索結果 958 件
COVIT20に備えましょうTakeda-sensei says in this video that Bukan-Kaze was just a common cold. But the TV virus has made i..
まさに私が実践してきた風邪の治し方でびっくりI was surprised to hear what Takeda-sensei said in one of his YouTube videos recently. The way I..
こういうことでないといいがThe Japanese politicians ordered Japanese people to be self-restraint over going out and avoid 3Cs. ..
コロナ危機後は、世の中生きやすくなるかもDon't you think that people have been making too many trivial rules in any institution? It's suffoca..
元厚生省技官と科学者によるコロナを封じ込める現実的な方法A former engineering official at the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare said: There are two ..
日本語の自粛やボランティアは、比喩的表現のようだThe government seems to have decided to extend the state of emergency until the end of this month. I..
ある大学のコロナ対応に感動したI'm impressed with the university in the vicinity of Global Gate again! 1. The university has bo..
武漢風邪で休校になっので夏休み返上は論外Elementary, junior high, and high schools seem to consider reducing the summer vacation to compensat..
武田邦彦先生のYouTubeビデオを見た。Takeda-sensei uploaded a few YouTube videos for the last two days. In one video, he claims that i..
白髪ロングの婆さん、何を切れてるの?When I went to AEON, Nagoya-Dome, to buy Nakamuraya's urchin cracker yesterday, I saw a woman in her..
ピリ辛あんかけスパのからめ亭へ行ってきた。After joining two Zoom meetings in my unportable office, I was in the mood for Ankake-spaghetti, so ..
コロナより恐ろしいウイルスが!Takeda Kunihiko sensei, a scientist, says many people are infected with the virus that is more serio..