記事「Short Story」 の 検索結果 958 件
過ぎたるは及ばざるが如しThere’s a Japanese saying, 過ぎたるは及ばざるがごとし, which means that too much is as bad as too little. I exper..
発音を意識すれば、スペリングの間違いが減る話Paying attention to English pronunciation should keep you from making spelling mistakes. Many Japane..
青市では、値切るのは文化?As tomorrow is a national holiday, I'll go to the farmers' market that is held at Yagoto Koushoji Te..
トイレの横のベンチで、毎朝爆睡している女子学生This event happens at one of the universities where I teach. I usually arrive at the university a..
ミズ・アルミホイルの話-パート2Do you still remember the story about a regular customer at one of my portable offices, Ms. Aluminum..
豆乳オーレって変なネーミング?I was at Komeda coffee and looking at the menu. And then I was confused. I saw a menu item that says..
珈琲店のイブニングサービスって聞いたことありますか?Have you ever heard about "evening service" at a cafe? Probably not. I learned it only recently a..
がんばれが口癖の人の話There's someone I know who is nicknamed Mr. Ganbare. As you can guess, the reason why he's called li..
激辛じゃがりこ これは辛いのが好きでも辛すぎるWhile I was doing some shopping at the supermarket at Myoken-cho bus stop, I bought a special jaga-r..
3単現のSは中学で習うが、習得は難しいThis is a fiction based on facts. Ms. Stone is a Japanese teacher of English at a public high sch..
ネガティブな人には近寄りたいくないですね。Are you happy with being with negative people? What I mean by negative people here is the kind of pe..
宴会で近くに座りたくない2つのタイプTwo depressing people I have ever met. One person is a woman in her 40s and all through the meeti..