記事「Short Story」 の 検索結果 958 件
珈琲屋の頑固おやじThis is a story about a coffee shop run by a stubborn old man, usually called 頑固おやじ(ganko oyaji)in J..
男女比によって教室の混む具合が異なるのはなぜ?I teach two Reading 1 classes for the first-year students at the uni in the vicinity of Global gate ..
DNAスイッチのon/offで運命が決まる模様I watched an NHK's documentary, Human Body 2, part 2, tonight. The theme of today's show was DNA swi..
珈琲が体に良いかどうかは、その人の持つ遺伝子次第You've heard some scientific researches saying coffee is beneficial for the heath while others claim..
珈琲店のウエイトレスが、知らないうちにオーナーの奥さんにThe staff member at a cafe who I thought to be working part-time became the wife of the master while..
DNA解読で、人の顔が復元できるそうです。I learned something very interesting while watching NHK's documentary titled Human Body last week. I..
認知能力を高める英語指導法(2019.5.12改訂)How to learn/ teach English by activating humans’ cognitive ability. 2019.5.7.ver. ©Takao IMA..
外国語学習では、認知能力を使うべしHappy New Era --- Reiwa (Beautiful Harmony) Today's blog article is about the importance of acti..
「回転ずし」という語もことばの化石になる日が…The expression, 回転ずし, sushi-go-round, will be a language fossil shorty. I heard some people say t..
外国語の4技能でどれが一番難しい?If you're a learner of a foreign language, which one of the four skills do you think is the most dif..
A trivial thing can be the last straw...A trivial thing can be the last straw that breaks the camel's back. This is a story about a coupl..
珈琲の冷蔵庫保存は良くないという話I learned something new about coffee at the Golpie coffee shop in the vicinity of Kawana today. A..