記事「Short Story」 の 検索結果 958 件
横向いての運転する住人There is a resident in my condo, who I call here Ms. RD. RD refers to the reckless driver. She's a w..
うまい英語、うまい日本語って何だろう?I know some foreign learners of Japanese who speak and write better Japanese than some native Japane..
歯医者さん紹介のビタミン剤の効果に仰天The vitamin tablets really worked! I went to the dentist yesterday and told the dentist that I’m ..
適切なメタファーは説明に有効しかし、適切なメタファーは、皆、違うのが難しいところ。次は、メタファーがたまたまうまく働いた例です。 In the How to Teach English 1 yesterday, I wen..
すべての人とのコミュニケーションは異文化コミュニケーションCommunication with anyone can be said intercultural communication because each of us belongs to a di..
行為の背後の気持ちを読むことが大切A student of mine told me a story. The student, who is a senior, was on the crowded subway train...
誕生日に地下鉄は乗らない方が良い模様It seems like I should avoid taking the subway train on my birthday. When I was on the subway Sak..
人の好みはさまざまですね。I heard two women and one man having a conversation. I don't know any of them, but one woman said so..
親切なレジ係After the 4th period at the uni in Kariya, I stopped by the coop bookstore to buy a book. When I was..
ポニーテールの男は、デカい車をどうしたんだろう?Do you remember the story about the ponytailed man who is always having trouble parking his huge car..
カフェレストの前にいたエアデールテリア犬This is the dog that used to be sitting in front of an Italian place in my neighborhood. He was an A..
GWも予備校のように授業がある大学が増えています。I learned that one of the universities I teach offers classes on May 3 and 4. It means that students..