記事「Short Story」 の 検索結果 958 件
I had a flat tire.This incident occurred on April 14. When I came home this late afternoon after teaching the morni..
A pet pig.I posted this photo in my FB timeline, and it was very popular among my FB friends. So I'll put the ..
A very eerie storyI heard a very eerie story from someone. The person lives on the fifth floor of an apartment hous..
How do you express もったいない in English?2014.4.11 There is an expression, mo-tsu-tai-nai(もったいない)in Japanese, which doesn’t seem to have the..
fillersの使い過ぎもflawlessな英語なの?There was some Japanese teacher of English who speaks English very fast and fluently. However, I fel..
Don't you think it's the case that 短気は損気?Most characteristics of a person can be considered as good points or bad points according to in what..
なぜ嫌いな人がいるのか?Do you have anyone who you hate? If the answer is yes, don’t you think the person you hate looks lik..
大学4学期制 Agree or disagree?Hiroshima Uni. seems to have decided to employ the quarter system in the academic year 2015. What do..
Bad Luck at JibuzakaHave you read today's jare-maga? One of the stories I sent to Jarrell Sensei is introduced. This is ..
教えられた方法がベストとは限らないSome Japanese teachers of English seem to think that without the practice of translation from Englis..
研究業績書作成ソフトDifferent organizations requires different forms for the list of the applicants' academic research. ..
人は親しみのないことは不自然に感じるI heard someone say that calling on the smartphone looks strange since it looks like putting a board..