記事「Short Story」 の 検索結果 958 件
M-learning has been with us for a long time.After reading SF sensei's blog yesterday, I learned what m-learning means. "M" in m-learning stands ..
過ぎたるは及ばざるが如しAs a proverb goes: Too much is as bad as too little. Japanese equivalent for this proverb is 過ぎたるは及ば..
English helped.It happened when I dropped by a café restaurant for lunch as usual last week after teaching par..
no-titleAs some of you may have noticed already, but one of my stories I sent to Jarrell Sesnei was used in ..
古き良き時代(その1)I still remember when I was a college student. When a professor cancelled a class, she or he would n..
飛び石連休learners of Japanese) Have you ever heard a Japanese expression: 飛び石連休(Tobi Ishi Renkyu)? It mig..
The cuckoo is singing.I wrote about 閑古鳥が鳴く yesterday. Thanks to the feedback of a FB friend, I just came up with the idea ..
A story about a wise man was used in jaremaga.As some of you may have already noticed it, one of the stories I sent to Jarrell Sensei was used in ..
A taxi was blocking the traffic!While I was driving a single lane street, the traffic was suddenly clogged just before the traffic l..
If you're a night owl, do you know why?Are you always a morning person or a night owl? If you’re basically a morning person, do you ever ha..
なぜ人は夜型になるの?Can you guess why "hikikomori" people are more likely to be night owls? Why do they not do what they..
Why is dress shirt called y-shirt in Japanese?In Japanese-made katakana nihongo(日本製片仮名日本語とわたくしは読んでいます), we have an expression y-shatsu(Y-シャツ). Do ..