Cancer or any kind of illness or symptoms are just an illusion so don't be fooled You are totally perfect and healthy in every moment that is your truth Lico
タイトル:Cancer or any kind of illness or symptoms are just an illusion so don't be fooled You are totally perfect and healthy in every moment that is your truth Lico
登録日時:2019-02-10 10:36:59
ブログ名:Lico's 夢を叶える Diary
ラベル cancer ガン 末期 健康 Health beauty 美容 病気 illness sickness Disorder Disease 疾患 風邪 症状 symptoms 痛み 体調不良 depression 心の病 Mental Illness Mental 精神性 精神 神経 Mental Disease Mental disorder 怪我 腰痛 Pain 重病